索引号: 008410258/2019-00046 主题分类: 政策解读
发布机构: 绵阳市公安局 发文日期: 2019-02-20
文号: 关键词: 过境免签


2019-02-20 10:36文章来源: 公安局
字体:【    】 打印


  l. Basic policy: From Jan Ist, 2019, Chengdu Airport implements transit visa exemption policy for foreign travelers from 53 foreign countries with valid international travel documents and an interline ticket with confirmed date and seat to a third country (region) within 144 hours.


  Il . Application Requirements:


  l. Applicable countries: currently, there are 53 countries eligible for the 144-hour Transit Visa Exemption Program;


  2.Travel documents required: valid personal international travel documents,


  3.Other documents required: an interline ticket with confirmed date and seat to a third country (region) within 144 hours;


  4. Port of entry and exit: Chengdu Airport;


  5. Duration of stay: within 144 hours from 0:00 of the next day after entry;


  6. Areas allowed to stay: administrative precincts of Chengdu Municipality.

