The Official Website of the People's Government of Mianyang City

Mianyang Implemented the Strategy of "Grain in the ground and Technology" —— Output Area will only Increase!"Lock-up" for Food Security

2022-03-24 22:44
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After the Spring Festival, Tang Yiquan, a big grain farmer in Maoer Mountain, Xianhe Town, Youxian District, came to his wheat field every day.He said that the wheat seedlings are now changing as the day went on. In addition to fertilizing and watering, he also arranged the spring farming progress according to the growth of the wheat seedlings.
"Last year, we collected more than 500 tons of wheat, all of which were acquired by the state.With more than 1,700 mu of wheat planted this season, we are ready to work on."Looking at the wheat field, more than 70 years old, Tang talked. He judged that this year's grain output and market were relatively optimistic. Tang told reporters that the previous central document repeatedly mentioned "food security", making him feel reassured.
"Food is the paramount necessity of the people". At the end of last year, the Central Economic Work Conference proposed to correctly understand and grasp the supply of primary products, realizing that food is an important section. At the same time, for three consecutive years, the no. 1 central government document has placed food security in an important position, and has implemented hard measures such as the assessment of party and government responsibility for food security.The recently released no. 1 document of the Central Government in 2022 made food security the primary bottom line task of the work on agriculture, rural areas and farmers.
Not only there were clear signals, but more precise tasks.Sichuan combined with the actual situation of the province, issued the task of stable grain production and increasing production.Taking this year as an example, the grain sown area should reach 6.034,000 mu, with an expected grain output of 2.332 million tons. Soybean and corn planting demonstration area should add up to 170 thousand mu and 80,000 mu for the oil plants remain as the hard mission for Mianyang.
According to the introduction, this year, Mianyang will focus on the goal of "stable grain and oil planting area, ensure effective supply; grasp the 'five good' integration, ensure stable production; promote the integrated development of the whole industrial chain, and develop modern agriculture; adjust and optimize the structure, and emphasize farmland rotation fallow pilot’ practice green development and promote sustainable agriculture; strengthen abandoned farmland management and do well in social service; strengthen farmland infrastructure construction and enhance development momentum". By doing all of these, we are determined to  firmly keep the bottom line of food security.
According to the agricultural situation dispatch, this year Mianyang has a total area of 1.58 million mu for planting grains in the early spring. At the same time, the soil is better than in previous years, and the plant diseases and insect pests are more moderate. With strong spring management measures, the current spring crop growth is generally good, laying a foundation for the summer grain and rape harvest.
How to secure the rice bowl?The key lies in the "two make" —— to ensure the strategy of "make sure the soil condition is conducive to the grain growth,and make sure the technology is applied to gain more grain" is really implemented in place.
To make sure the soil condition is conducive to the grain growth is to protect the cultivated land as the giant panda does, and to strictly guard against the red line of the farmland area.These days, in Jinshan Village, Beichuan Bazi Township, high standard farmland construction site is in full swing: excavators in the ridge are digging high places to fill lower one, leveling the contiguous land; workers are pouring concrete to make a protection belt. A straight irrigation ditch gradually takes shape.
"In the past, we got fields intertwined everywhere. For the machine had no access to the field, the goods were carried by the people or the horses, and water basically depended on the rain. Now, the government has arranged the land for us for free, with fertilizer sent, canals and plow roads built, and we will never worry about farming again."Villager Zhang Zhenghai said and is full of longing for the future life.
"There is good land and food."The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said that since this year, Mianyang not only continued to take high standard farmland construction as the starting point, and constantly made more farmland be irrigated if it was dry, drained if it was flooded and put into use in appropriate time, but also will further focus on the farmland red line.To be specific, we will continue to strengthen law enforcement and supervision of cultivated land, seriously investigate and punish illegal occupation of cultivated land, resolutely curb non-agricultural arrangement for the cultivated land, and strictly ensure the farmland is used to gain grains.
To make sure technology is conducive to grain growth means to make science and technology be applied into the agriculture, and to ensure food security by constantly innovated technologies to increase production.
Recently, in the one-stop agricultural service center in Weicheng Town, Youxian District, workers started a busy day by installing all the micro tiller with a knife and the rotary tiller with the Beidou navigation system."We have upgraded the information system, farmers can timely check where the farm machinery has cultivated?How much did it cost?"Luo Caiyuan, the head of the center introduced, “so that farmers can easily farm, and can know how much expenditure will be.
For soybean expansion task, in February, Jiangyou and Yanting and other places had also held technical training which focused on the detailed explanation of the concept,type,usage,major advantages and key techniques of the soybean planting technology, making the agricultural technology personnel and enormous planting demonstration entities be proficient in this techniques as soon as possible so that we can brace for the spring sowing in April."At present, the number of soybean seed reserves in Mianyang is 3.06 million kilograms. In addition to meeting Mianyang for self-use, it can also provide provenance support for other regions to complete the task of seed expansion, which can fully ensure the timely seed supply and do not miss the farming time."Mianyang seed management station related responsible person said.
How is the rice bowl held stable?This is still inseparable from the agricultural "chip" —— seeds (seedlings).The relevant person in charge of the Mianyang bureau of agriculture and rural areas, said that in the future, Mianyang will make further moves to make the production and market need as the guidance, and achieve deeply integrated development of "breeding, reproduction and promotion,and production,processing and marketing ". We will concentrate on the strategy of “special, unique and advanced products” and strengthen seeds improvement and selection in hogs,vegetables,oil and other advantageous industries with unique characteristics, and in the meanwhile, we will choose and develop a batch of breaking-through species with high production rate and quality.

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